안녕하세요 !
Hello, this is RG Korean.
RG Korean's Korean 'Beginner 1' course will start next week.
This is the second stage out of our 4 stages.
Hangeul - 3-week course just for Korean alphabet. (4.5 learning hours).
Beginner 1 - 13-week long course (19.5 learning hours).
Beginner 2 - 11-week long course (16.5 learning hours).
Beginner 3 - 11-week long course (16.5 learning hours).
After 13 weeks of studying(About 20 hours of study), you will be able to ..
- Introduce yourself(nationality, age, occupation, hobby etc).
- Order food at a cafe/restaurant.
- Buy groceries at a market/supermarket.
- Count numbers(1, 2, 3, 4, ... )
- Negate a sentence(No, not).
- Speak the existence(There is/are ... )
- Speak the location(on, in, at, in front of, behind, etc...)
- Talk about simple topics such as family, exercise, food, shopping, etc.
- Understand and create simple sentences.
Course Details for 13-week Hangeul course
Click the link to see what we are going to learn in 'Beginner 1' course.
How do I register this course?
On the navigation menu, go CLASSES > Course Description > click 'Apply course' button or just click here!
How long is this course?
1. New Malden(Wed): 5th April - 12 Jul
2. Oxford Street:(Thu): 6th April - 13 Jul
* Minimum 4 people required to open the course.
I don't know Hangeul or know some of them. Will taking this course still be okay?
If you know Korean alphabet(Hangeul) and read the letters, you don't need to worry about taking this course! Also, if you feel your Korean is bit rusty and start it over from the beginning, you are more than welcome to this course.
Do I need buy a textbook for this course?
Yes. The main textbook we use is Sejong Korean Conversation 1.
You can buy it from Amazon or go to Foyles Charing Cross.
Join our Discord community!
You will be able to join our Discord server, once you sign up for this course.
Meet other classmates, share your experience, your study tip, or you can even organise study group.
There will be an office hour for the students, so that you can come and ask us anything!
Please feel free to ask us anything about the course - rgkorean@gmail.com
Thank you! 감사합니다!
Classroom in Oxford Street
Classroom in Oxford Street
Classroom in New Malden